One of Ireland’s Leading Cardiology Clinics
We are a specialist cardiology practice with clinics in Limerick, Ireland.
We provide a wide range of cardiac services, from echocardiograms and exercise tolerance (stress) tests to hospital procedures and post-op care.
Every patient is unique, and so every journey is unique. Find out what to expect and how to prepare for your first appointment.
For Doctors
Eagle Lodge is one of Ireland’s leading cardiology clinics. Find out how we can help you and how you can refer a patient to us.
Welcome to Eagle Lodge
We are a specialist cardiology practice with clinics in Limerick (Eagle Lodge).
Established in 1993 by Dr. John Clarke, Eagle Lodge Cardiology is now a network of the best cardiology caregivers available in Ireland. The out patient practice is led by our cardiac nurse specialists together with our cardiac physiologists.
In consultation with your consultant at Eagle Lodge, decisions regarding management are made. Hospital based tertiary level care is provided by very experienced senior cardiac interventionalists, cardiac surgeons and cardiac electrophysiologists in Dublin and Galway. Patients then return to our out-patient facilities in Limerick for further surveillance and management. All aspects of your cardiac care are ultimately monitored and supervised by our team of consultants in conjunction with the nursing and physiology team.
FACT: 90% of people who come to us leave us reassured and do not require further treatment.
Your heart – it’s amazing!
Your heart is an incredibly powerful organ. It works constantly without ever pausing to rest. It is made up of muscle that only exists in the heart. Unlike other types of muscle, cardiac muscle never gets tired.
Did you know?
- Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day
- An adult heart is about the size of two fists
- A woman’s heart typically beats faster than a man’s heart
- Your heart pumps 1.5 gallons of blood per minute
- Blood takes about 20 seconds to circulate the human body