Cardiac Surgeons

Professor. James McCarthy
Mr. McCarthy works at Mater Hospital, St. Vincent’s Hospital and Blackrock Clinic. He trained at the Mater Hospital and Cleveland Clinic, USA. He is currently Director of the Mater Hospital Cardiac Surgical and Cardiac Transplantation Unit.

Mr. Michael Tolan
Mr. Tolan works at St. James Hospital, St. Vincent’s Hospital and Blackrock Clinic. He trained in the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast, Papworth Hospital Cambridge and Paris. He has a special interest in mitral valve surgery, and has pioneered the development of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery.

Mr. Fabio Bartoluzzi
Mr. Bartoluzzi works at Galway Clinic. He trained on the Dublin Special Registrar Scheme. He worked in the UK as a consultant before returning to Galway Clinic to head up the cardiac surgical programme there.

Dr. Peter Crean
Dr. Crean works at St. James’s Hospital and Blackrock Clinic. He trained in the Hammersmith Hospital, the National Heart Hospital London and the Montreal Heart Institute. He is a very experienced senior interventional cardiologist. He has pioneered the use of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement in Ireland, and has established the program for minimally invasive valve replacement in the Blackrock Clinic, now in its ninth year.

Prof. James Crowley
Dr. Crowley works at University College Hospital Galway and Galway Clinic. He is an interventional cardiologist and is also the National Programme Director for Cardiology Specialist Training in Ireland. He is the senior interventional cardiologist in Galway.

Dr. Ifty Khan
Dr. Khan is based at the Hermitage Clinic. He was previously a lecturer in cardiology at the Royal College of Surgeons. He is a general cardiologist and is widely experienced in the management of critical care patients. Dr. Khan has a long standing association with Eagle Lodge. He is both an excellent cardiologist and excellent physician, and the person to whom we turn for advice often for our own family members. He is both a general and interventional cardiologist.

Dr. Andy Maree
Dr. Maree is an interventional cardiologist and recently joined the staff at the Blackrock Clinic from Harvard Medical School in Boston. As well as treatment of ischaemic heart disease, he has a major interest in the minimally invasive treatment of structural heart disease. He is also on the staff of St James Hospital.

Dr. Darren Mylotte
Dr Mylotte graduated from RCSI Medical School in 2001, obtained membership of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland in 2004, and completed the Irish Cardiology Specialist Training Scheme. He and was conferred with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) thesis in 2010 by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and has also undertaken a PhD thesis. N the subject of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) at the world renowned ThoraxCentre in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Dr Mylotte undertook a two-year clinical interventional cardiology fellowship at the acclaimed Institut Cardiovasculaire de Paris, in Massy, France. He also performed a further two-year advanced fellowship in congenital and structural heart disease at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Cardiac Electrophysiologists

Professor. David Keane
Professor Keane works at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Blackrock Clinic. He trained in London, Rotterdam and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston where he became Head of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. He is internationally recognised for his expertise in catheter ablation of tachycardias and atrial fibrillation.

Dr. Jonathan Lyne
Dr. Lyne trained in both electrophysiology and cardiac imaging in the Brompton Hospital in London and has recently joined the staff at Blackrock Clinic and Hermitage Hospital. He has particular interest in cryoablation for the management of atrial arrhythmias.

Dr. Ricky Sheahan
Dr. Sheahan works between Beaumont Hospital, Hermitage Clinic and Mater Private Hospital, having trained in the US. He has a special interest in cardiac electrophysiological devices, pacemakers, intracardiac defibrillators and heart support devices such as biventricular pacemakers.
Dr. Daniel O’Hare
Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist
Dr. O’Hare graduated from the University of Limerick Graduate Entry Medical school in 2011, and was awarded the Gold Medal in Medicine. His cardiology training in Ireland included Specialist Registrar years in University Hospital Limerick, University Hospital Galway, St. James’ and St. Vincent’s Hospitals in Dublin.
After completing his Irish cardiology training years, he studied for MD in King’s College London in the area of electrical conduction in the atria and the role of Cardiac MRI in the evaluation of the arrhythmia patient. He completed a clinical fellowship in Electrophysiology in St. Thomas’ Hospital Westminster. During this time he was the Cardiology Foundation Lecturer for Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation Trust, and was selected for the inaugural cohort of the British Cardiovascular Society’s Emerging Leaders Programme.
Prior to returning to Ireland, he worked as a post CCT Electrophysiology fellow in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham.
Cardiac Imaging

Dr. Caroline Daly
Dr. Daly performs our specialist imaging tests. Her initial training in cardiology was in Ireland. Her postgraduate studies were conducted at Guy’s Hospital, London and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. She performs specialist imaging such as transesophageal echocardiography, nuclear imaging and cardiac MRI studies.

Dr. Rory O’Hanlon
Dr. Rory O’Hanlon is the lead imaging specialist in the cardiac MRI department at Blackrock Clinic. Blackrock Clinic has the only fulltime dedicated imaging centre in Ireland. Dr. O’Hanlon trained originally at the Brompton Hospital in London and is also on the staff of St Vincent’s Hospital.

Dr. Ross Murphy
Dr. Murphy is a cardiologist working between St. James Hospital and Blackrock Clinic, specialising in heart muscle disease, cardiac CT imaging and transesophageal echocardiography. His postgraduate training was in London and Cleveland Clinic, US.