An ambulatory blood pressure monitor is a continuous recording of blood pressure for a period of 24 hours. The doctor may use this test if you require blood pressure medication. It may also be used to adjust the type or dose of blood pressure medication you are already taking. Finally, it may help to explain symptoms of dizziness, blackouts or headaches.
- On-sight: A Holter Monitor is a portable device that monitors the electrical activity of the heart from 24 hours up to 14 days. It is worn during the daytime so we can tell if a heart problem is responsible for any dizziness, faintness or blackouts. It also helps us to work out the exact cause of palpitation that you may be feeling.
- Postal Service: We also provide a postal Holter Monitor service where you can request a Heart Rhythm Analysis. Holter monitoring is more accurate in detecting any irregularities in a heart’s rhythm as it is connected to the heart for a much longer time than an ECG. This process requires a referral letter from your GP.
This is a long term monitor which is attached to the patient, and which continuously monitors the heart rhythm. It only records something when the button is pressed to activate the monitor. The patient presses the button if/when they feel their symptoms are recurring. Because it has a memory function, it will also record what the heart was doing just before the button is pressed.
This device is inserted into the patient, usually under the skin of the upper chest. It can record heart function continuously over a prolonged period, up to three years. The device is the size and shape of a computer memory stick. It is particularly useful in diagnosing problems that occur very infrequently such as occasional blackouts or collapse. The device takes about 15 minutes to insert under local anaesthetic in a hospital setting. Our technicians check the device every three months (or sooner if an event occurs).